Friday, July 29, 2011

Homework on a long weekend??!!

Please complete the outline questions for your descriptive paragraph. Remember you're writing about a special possession.

Here is the link to the Outline document.

Please review the notes and exercises for Unit 5. As usual, we will have our unit test at the beginning of the week!

I hope you have a great long weekend! See you on Tuesday. :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday Night Homework!

1/ Review Vocabulary for Unit 5.

2/ Complete the Vocabulary Exercise.

3/ Start to think about a very special possession. For example, it could be a piece of clothing or jewelry, your car or mobile, a piece of art or furniture. This possession is special to you for many reasons. In class tomorrow, I am going to ask you to describe this special possession and why it is special.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Night Homework!

1/ Do Grammar 5-1 Exercise 1
2/Read the notes for Grammar 5-2 Making Predictions.

The Canadian College of English Language

Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Monday!

For homework please complete the Writing 3-1 Exercise. Remember to organize your writing in paragraphs.

Organization of a Paragraph :

Topic Sentence: Introduces the topic.

Supporting Sentences: Give details that support the Topic Sentence.(2-3 sentences)

Concluding Sentence: Restates the topic sentence.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Night Homework!

Vocabulary Exercise: Review the vocabulary for Unit 3. Fill in the gaps in the Vocabulary Exercise.

The Canadian College of English Language